Tidying with Kids

Of course I would like a tidy house, but I have kids!” That’s one of the most common refrains I hear from mothers.

Kids = mess

More kids = more mess

Small kids = big mess

Yes, it’s true. Kids make a mess, leave a mess. But! They can tidy up after themselves too.

Tidying and organising are learnt skills. And just like learning to tie shoelaces, children need to be taught how to tidy and practise tidying.

When is the best time to start teaching kids to tidy, you ask. The answer - yesterday. But it is never too late to start!

Set an Example

Kids are watching us all the time. They are watching us as we put something back into its place after using it. They are watching us when we let go of the piece of clothing that no longer fits. If we want to teach kids to tidy, we have to be tidy oursleves. Make tidying part of everyday life and emphasize the benefits of a tidy home. Never ever be grouchy doing it and make it seem like a painful chore. We don’t want kids to associate tidying with impatience and grouchiness.

Involve them

Involve children as you tidy the home. Sometimes it is too easy to assume that kids will naturally understand our actions because it seems so “common sensical”. Well, with my own kids, I have come to realise that kids aren’t born with common sense. Common sense is instilled. Explain to them what we are doing and why we are doing that so they can understand the rationale behind our actions.

A Home for Everything

Kids love their toys. If there is no designated storage space for toys, the home would very quickly be overrun by toys and just one huge playroom. Have designated storage space for every toy and let children know where the home for every toy is. Let them know that their toys would like to go home at the end of the day to rest too. Kids take to this idea very readily. Have them “send” the toys “home” after playing with it to practise tidying up after themselves.

Enjoy Each Day

Ultimately, the most important is to enjoy the present. Don’t get upset when things don’t always look the way you want it. We don’t need a show-room ready home every day. Kids are not going to remember the living room coffee table was occasionally messy but they will remember if mommy/daddy was always yelling at them to tidy up.


Tidy Hack - Just Do This One Thing